Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Animal Sixth Senses

You're probably saying to yourself: enough about this vet and veterinary care, let's talk about animal 6th senses.  And, in the name of earthquakes and animals being prescient of natural events, we will talk about some of the best references I have found to discern what animals know about the world that we may not suspect.

The first book (and I think required reading during the coming hurricane or tropical storm - run out to the library before it's too late) is by Rupert Sheldrake.  Dr. Sheldrake is described as "one of the world’s most innovative biologists and writers, is best known for his theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance, which leads to a vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory" by his own website.  And he's a relatively good writer.  His key book on animals is "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home." 

A little less scientific, (OK, a great deal less scientific) is Emma Heathcote-James.  She emphasizes the psychic experience as opposed to the physics and scientific analysis.  But, it takes all sorts to make the world go round and if you prefer this to Sheldrake, have at it!  Psychic Pets: How Animal Intuition and Perception Has Changed Human Lives.  I like animal-human bond stories.

Always a charmer and charming is the Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson new-world classic Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior.  The rationale for this inclusion that we can't know what is beyond the scope of normal behavior without knowing what is to be expected.

If you have other preferred sources for understand the mysteries of animal intuition into the natural world, please give us suggestions and we'll share with everyone. 

I just found this source from the National Zoo: http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/PressMaterials/PressReleases/NZP/2011/earthquake.cfm   It describes the responses of various animals to last week's earthquake.  Interesting.

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to At Home Pet Vet Care! Let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Sandra J. Platt and I'm a veterinarian who does house calls every day. House calls are my favorite way to talk with my clients, deal with behavioral problems, and manage pet health. I focus on helping my clients live the longest, healthiest lives possible with their pets. Often times creative problem solving is the most important part of veterinary practice!

I started off life in a dog-loving home. First White German Shepherds and then Great Pyrenees. Since then, I went to college and had majors in religion and neuroscience (I have never been able to chose). I received a Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, because I love learning about how (and why) people tick. After a few years developing nonprofits, I went to veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvaina and am finishing up my Masters of Public Health from the University of Minnesota, focusing on geriatrics and their pets.

I currently live with four cats and a dog. I was afraid of cats when Leila was given to me by neighbors. More about Leila in future blogs, but she taught me a great deal – including her hatred for the "friend" I got from the shelter. I am amazed by my felines on a regular basis. Apparently, cats know when you are a sucker and I now have four, who all seem to enjoy each other's company and put up with my attentions.

My dog was an impulse adoption (and I know she picked me out, I wasn't even in the shelter itself, I was in the office!). I knew I wanted a dog at some point. I never imagined myself with a laborador. And I never imagined how much fun it would be to see the world through her eyes! Roxy loves her kitties and counts them regularly. She takes me to the park everyday and has introduced me to some fabulous people.If you call At Home Pet Vet Care and get her on the phone, don't be surpised if you hear licking. Her capacity for love is pretty remarkable, despite having been returned to the shelter twice!

If you have topics you want discussed, questions, problems, animal conundrums, I'm more than happy to address them here. I look forward to keeping you updated on our adventures at At Home Pet Vet Care!